Chilly This Morning
There has been no artificial heating or cooling here at Whitewater house for many months, and this morning it was sweatshirt weather—indoors. So I checked to see if the furnace might work after its long enforced idleness, knowing full well that for the past three years it has always failed to start first time in the fall. This time it turned out that a minute chip of something in the squirrel cage prevented ignition. But, though the furnace now works, our objective is to not work it until the last possible moment. Solar energy, storm windows, and sweatshirts are all good in the fall. (Note to self: time to put up storm windows.)
Kagawong paint has been squirreled away in the Whitewater basement safe from freezing, the tools have been unloaded and stowed in accessible places, and the water softener has been plugged in and reprogrammed to local time (no more nice soft Lake Huron in the pipes.). The last thing is to set up some kind of TV service, but while talking to AT&T (our phone and internet provider) the phone line went dead. OK, so.
Kettle Moraine forest
Whitewater Lake
Lace of Anne the queen, ready to spread the word
The ever-flowing well, south of town—source of coffee water. Imagine something like this in California.