Brash Ice
Sue is down and out with the flu (another Thanksgiving casualty, with more sure to come) so Pax and I drove Aunt Janet back to Manitowoc, and a brave soul AJ is, running the gauntlet of assorted ailments (such as my endless cold). It should be noted that Aunt Janet has a great many stories to tell, and not all of them have plots with happy endings. One grim tale, told on the way from Manitowoc to Whitewater lasted from Milwaukee until the garage door came down at 275 N. Esterly. AJ should have her own serial podcast—it would be a smash hit.
On the way back home this afternoon Pax and I swung by the Manitowoc harbor for a look and a stretch, and although the sun was out and the temperature in the upper 40's, the remnants of all the recent cold were still evident.
...and the white splash in the background is a wave breaking on the outer wall.
Meanwhile, the inner harbor was clear of boats escept for a privately owned steel trawler of about 50 feet from Oslo.
And, back in Whitewater, the evidence suggests that the squirrel-proof bird feeder has survived its first day without depredation.