Post Mortem

The mid-terms elections were a disaster for the environment, with the oiligarchs and oligarchs having successfully purchased many winning candidates. Now, at least for the next two years, there will be attempts to disable the EPA and to build the Keystone pipeline. There will be no chance of any kind of climate treaty, and no investment in sustainable energy. It is interesting to me that these people are willing to sacrifice their home planet for the sake of money. Sure, they can live in gated communities but they still have to live on earth. (Or do they have tickets on the next interstellar flight in search of Earth-like planets?)

On the positive side—every ballot initiative that I know of, asking voters to decide on significant issues like raising the minimum wage or making sure health care was available—passed overwhemingly.

Here, for example, is what happened in Illinois: 

"There were three ballot measures approved overall by voters throughout Illinois.  These statewide advisory questions are included on the general election ballot to gage public sentiment on a certain issue.  The result of this will provide the legislature backing if they move to pass laws concerning these issues.  The three ballot initiatives were raising the minimum wage to $10.00 an hour, requiring health insurance plans covering residents of Illinois to provide prescription coverage of birth control and requiring those who make more than one million dollars a year to pay an extra three percent in income tax, which will go to schools to fund education."

All of these were approved by voters. And across the country, every vote on raising the minimum wage carried by something close to a two-thirds majority. 

It goes without saying that measures like these would never be passed by elected officials beholden  to the Chamber of Commerce, the Club For Growth, or the Koch brothers. 

So what I am saying is: it is time to dispense with a system of government that has paid lackeys going to Washington to represent the 1%. It's time to go back to what they used to do in Athens—let the people decide directly. I vote for the plebiscite! 

A few low-level hangers-on

A few low-level hangers-on