Pack It In

Two cars and a trailer and we are still having trouble packing it all in. Nothing of consequence except for our Christmas present, but things like a chaise longue, and three tomato cages, and a kid's plastic kitchen set—take room. Of course, there is also dog stuff and dog food, and winter coats (really?), and nerve tonic, and paper towels. You pretty much need a trailer just for paper towels and toilet paper.


Tulips are up around town in very sheltered spots...


 ...but not at our house. This is what things look like today, April 30, 2014 at 275 N. Esterly.

We will not see our tulips this year (except maybe the remnants in June) , nor the redbud, nor Vi's magnificent flowering crab. We will have to be content with hellebore, and daffodil.