Flower Confidential


A crisp, bright morning rapidly deteriorated into a cold, gray damp. But, projects proceeded (albeit at our snail-like pace), and we went to Gore Bay to stock up on vittles since we were down to wilted lettuce and cracker crumbs. As the above photo illustrates, the yachting season in Kagawong is a bit in the future (but do note the green grass).

Yesterday morning was quite beautiful—sunny and calm. And quiet, as only this place can be. Until: a gaggle of geese got grumped up about something or other, and a group of sandhill cranes started sounding off with their trumpeting tones, and some gulls got into a noisy squabble, and some jays started screaming bloody murder, and several woodpeckers started hammering, and a few crows chimed in, and then the merlins got going, and the grouse started drumming. I could be mistaken, but I do believe that a few wrens were adding their descant above all the cacophony.  Luckily, the loons are mostly nocturnal.

Reading Amy Stewart's Flower Confidential, on eletronic loan from the Kagawong Public Library, and finding it quite worth while.