Board Stiff

Bright, sunny, and very chilly.

Today, mostly ripping, staining and polyurethaning the last of our homegrown cedar boards to use as upper level door trim and baseboards.

On our way home from an errand, Sue pointed out people on the roof of the the Old Mill/City Hall. Sure enough, roofers doing a hot tar job. Back home at 11:30 we found no internet service. It took a minute or two to make the connection, and then I raced back down to the village before City Hall closed at noon, as they do every Friday, and were gone for the long weekend, quite certain we had seen the last of the internet for a good long while. (Our wireless interent service is beamed across the bay from an antenna on roof of city hall.) No warning, no assurance of restored service, and after 12 o'clock, no one responsible. But, as this blog demonstrates, service was resumed, thanks, I would say to Vianet, who seem to have some concern for their customers.

We may have to raise the boardwalk (although the level is fluctuating greatly)

We may have to raise the boardwalk (although the level is fluctuating greatly)