The Long and Dusty Road

(It is fun to try coming up with headlines that sound like the title of novels.) We finished our shovel excavation of a road ditch (prizing out boulders and chopping through roots) and it is now running merrily, leaving behind a drying road.


We saw our first hummingbird this afternoon as we were sitting on the deck. What he's doing here is a mystery since there is nothing even close to a flower. Bugs and balsam sap probably. And then there's the resident woodpecker (red breasted, I think) who begins hammering on the firewood lean-to at dawn and continues, almost without pause, until noon. Somebody's getting a headache.

Warmest day so far this season, and we thought about not putting a fire on at dinner time.
But then, it's fun to snuggle in with coals glowing in the grate while we watch an episode of Castle. Sue said that while she is looking forward to summery stuff, she is going to miss our chilly days.