Whitewater Garden...


...finally planted, here on the 28th of May, 2014. Four varieties of winter squash, five rows of two varieties of beets, three varieties of tomatoes and the same of peppers, and some basil (tomatoes and peppers and basil started from seed by Abby). The soil here is incredibly rich (and has been amended over the past 4 or 5 years), and the climate is warm. So, it all depends on the moisture, and the garden is pretty much left up to its own devices in that regard; sink or swim, so to speak. It will be interesting to compare Whitewater garden to Kagawond garden. All Kagawong has going for it is day length and some human attention. It is to to note, however, that the largest cabbages grown are grown in Alsaka, where day lenth is even greater that that in Kagawong.