Serendipity Sunshine


Morning drizzle giving way to glorious sunshine. The glacier on the front deck melted away to nothing, and we sat out there after work (such as it was) and watched cat's paws paint patterns on what was previously ice. The water is up. This could be because of a strong west wind, but up it is, and definitely so. The Very Small Boat Harbor (VSBH) is almost full, and the previous pier position is apparently perilous.

Mudge Bay is now 80% clear, with ice pile-ups on the far north-west end and on Gooseberry.  Pax and I got back into our groove—a bike-ride/run down to Sandy Beach. He behaved, and there were no wild deer chases up the bluff, or beyond.  (I must note, however, that we have countless piles of deer droppings everywhere, especially on the paths. Apparently starving deer poop prodigiously.)

Our special Christmas present has been mounted on the wall (with a cabinetry yet to be made), and a BlueRay player attached, and so, tonight, we will be attempting to watch Castle episode #7869934 or, perhaps, something streamed on Netflix, such as the BBC series "Heat of the Sun" recommended by the Texas contingent. Will it work?  Stay tuned.