Day on the Water

Took professors James and Eric for a good long sail on Heliotrope, and later in the afternoon, Eric for a fast ride on the Windrider. Nice guys, these two, though obviously demented in wanting to ride bikes over long distances. (Thanks to John and Mary Ellen for babysitting Pax while we were out on the water.

After hors d'oeuvres on the lower deck and shiskebob back in FoamHome, and as light was fading from the sky, they saddled up and pedaled off to marina where they will once again sleep on the boat before depating before dawn for South Baymouth and the 9 a.m. ferry, and then, eventually, Niagara Falls, and perhaps New Youk city. Good luck is all I can say. (They really did appreciate getting off the bikes and onto boats and into water.)
