Hi, Bob.
I’m afraid you are right. Yesterday over 300,000 people marched in New York ( and countless others also did so around the world, but still the two Koch brothers have far more say in climate policy than all of us combined. I guess I’m hoping for a technological fix—hydrogen, fusion, artificial photosynthesis, etc. If the cost of this (plus wind and solar) way undercuts coal and oil then change might be possible.
Supposedly this year is shaping up to be the hottest on record, although you wouldn’t know it from conditions in northern Ontario. But what we are seeing is very much one of the climate change predicted scenarios brought about by more water in the atmosphere. Michigan/Huron have risen vertically nearly two feet since the record low, January, 2013, and we are now a few inches above the long term average. Incredible. Never thought I’d see it. But poor California.
The big rise makes things difficult for Stop the Drop, GBF, and ROWI. And any hope of fixing the St. Clair has probably washed away. Thing is, a return to drought conditions is still possible given the wild swings. But this summer I’ve had to raise my pier several times, and once had it washed away by a seiche! Another year like the past one and people could be complaining about too much water.
Hope all is good on your end. Stay dry.
On Sep 22, 2014, at 6:40 AM, Bob Florean <> wrote:
I hope your summer was OK.......
Thanks re this story. Yes an interesting perspective on trees as a savior or bane in climate change. Whatever the case I really think the vast majority of the public on this world lack enough interest to force the changes needed re climate change. The capitalist oil driven model will continue to win out for now and then it will doom us all when the climate is finally changed in a detrimental way......
Subject: To Save the Planet, Don’t Plant Trees -
Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 14:51:07 -0400
To: bob.florean@hotmail.ca
Ignorance Eradicators