Summer Weekend

People around. A motorboat or two out on the bay. Sunny, warm, intermittent southerly breeze.

Lots of fun little projects like weeding the garden and trimming bushes, and hanging a few photos. (Sue finishing the Cetol on the boat). And, two more sections of dock installed (they were already built), and only ONE MORE section to go.


The question ought to be, not "What good is it?" but "What is its role in the economy of nature?" I like that phrase "the economy of nature," though there is a special word for the study of the interrelations of living things, ecology. Both words come from the Greek oikos, meaning household; both have narrow and special meanings, but both can also be used broadly. Economics can be thought of as the ecology of man; ecology as the study of the economony of nature. This is one aspect of biology, one aspect of the study of life. It is thus also one aspect of science.

     —Marston Bates, The Forest and the Sea