Long Walk...

...off a long pier. The endless project has ended, and it is now possible to walk across the water to where it is deep enough to (not dive!) but begin swimming.

This afternoon as we were installing the last section (and installation is really quite easy compared to construction and all that entails) we noticed the shift in the weather. Early on we had calm with a little fog. By mid-morning, a gentle northwest breeze. But about 3, the bay went flat. And then we could hear it, a south-east wind moving across from the marina to us, and it is very fun to hear the wind coming long before you can actually feel it. Radar and forecasts say rain is coming, and, as we all know, an east wind blows no good. So we (excluding Pax) were glad of the shift—we like as much weather as we can get.

Early morning calm, last section of pier not yet installed.

Early morning calm, last section of pier not yet installed.

Sue was nearly waist deep shooting this.

Sue was nearly waist deep shooting this.

And here I am walking the long way back from the last bolt on the last section. 

And here I am walking the long way back from the last bolt on the last section.