Just a Little Current
Over to Little Current this morning, as an outing, or a bit of holiday. Breakfast at the Anchor Inn. A walk along the waterfront. A drive by Low Island and a peek at Boyles' (where Heliotrope spent a number of years). A little poking around in a few of the new stores.
But, somehow work reasserted itself in the afternoon with Sue taking on the long-suffering garage, and me first trying to weed-whack but giving up in frustration with the whacker and then resorting to beach work, which involved enduring the indignities of wading, rowing, and swimming. I think Sue ended up on the short end of these assignments.
We are, apparently, under the center of a high pressure, and the past few days have been mostly calm. This afternoon, though, a good breeze from the south, so perhaps things are changing. The need to water the garden and the herb garden makes me hope for rain.
And, finally, I got some photos of the marina concert up on this website. A slow internet connection (such as ours) results in a certain lack of timeliness, but nonetheless, a selection of photos has now been posted. To view, go Home on this website, and then go to Images.