Lose Strife
Yellow loosestrife, not invasive like its purple cousin.
Abbreviated blog yesterday due to lack of internet connection. Worn out router, apparently. (I so love how things keep failing and falling apart.) The new router, picked up in Gore Bay today, apparently works, but somewhere in it or the rest of this goofy system slowness grabs with sticky fingers. Anyway, yesterday we arrived in a big blow with surf roaring. Tonight all is calm. Evidence on screens and walls suggests that last night was a major shadily event, but if so, it was really bad timing, for it it hard for poor flyers like shad flies to hook up when being blasted ashore by a gale.
Tomorrow, boat repairs—toilet and water heater. And please let that be it for a while. Time to relax a bit, sit back and smell the loosestrife (though it is non-aromatic).