Another Hot One

Hot, cloudless, windless. Tiresome.

Beets, tomatoes, and onions doing okay, but only thanks to hand watering.

Beets, tomatoes, and onions doing okay, but only thanks to hand watering.

Mergansers, mad at being disturbed from their rest on Pine Box pier. They are skittish birds.

Mergansers, mad at being disturbed from their rest on Pine Box pier. They are skittish birds.

An odd, knocking sound, like someone repeatedly striking a single note on a wooden xylophone, coming from across the lane as I was up working around the garage. Extensive research on google lead to the conclusion it was a giant "ClunkMunk" chipmunk. However, skepticism, and a few suggestions from Mary Ellen and John resulted in a more acceptable hypothesis—an Eastern Whip-poor-will making its cluck notes. Donk.