Endless Summer


Out of the wind and in the sun—hot, hot, hot. Along the shore, in the shade, perfect. Summer hangs on, though change is in the offing.

After noon, to Gore Bay and the boat, where Patrick joined us to complete the re-installation of the starboard spreader light. After all,  job well done, and when the lights were tested, both came on—for a few seconds before both went off. Anyway, neither spreader light is going to fall off and bean some unwary seafarer, and the next time the spars come down (which may be this season) all wiring issues will be thoroughly investigated and remediated. 

After the the repair work, with Patrick off to pick up Rachel from her job at CYC, we jumped overboard into a very chilly Gore Bay, and then, after emergence, sat, in the cockpit, basking in the warm afternoon sun and the brisk south wind—having a sip of something, and looking around at quite a few others similarly engaged, and feeling right back home in the cruising life. 

But then we came back home to a cottage, and were more than glad about being able to do that.