
Heliotrope and Wood Duck.


Got the shrink-wrap of Heliotrope, the lifelines back in place, and the new batteries and electronics on board. Planned our attack on the masts—which need repainting, a check of all the lights, and a new wind instrument at the top.

That took the morning and then some, although around here work doesn't start very early. Lunch of sandwiches from the Valuemart in the shelter above the Gore Bay swimming beach (now about the width of a sidewalk). Then we walked out on the new jetty which juts out almost halfway across the bay and makes for a truly protected inner harbor. It is a beautiful piece of engineering (and will get its own blog post sometime).

This afternoon, while Sue worked on her huge fabric hanging, I planted peas and Spanish onions. The soil is dry, so nothing will happen until we get rain.  

Then the first kayak paddle of the season. Getting in the boat requires standing in the water, and that numbs the ankles. But it's worth it, especially when you can paddle right through the gazebo Murray and Elaine set up on their Viewpoint.

No fire in the stove all day, which is good and bad.