Highly motivated to get up early—hydro off at 7, and how does one start a day without coffee?
Ontario's Hydro One is held in the highest contempt by everyone in the province, but it is the only choice. Today was a scheduled outage (and there is another coming up later in the month). I don't think it would be far off to say that there are at least four scheduled outages every year, and at least as many unscheduled ones. And this on top of extraordinarily high rates and execrable customer service. Furthermore, we cottagers have the privilege of paying for electricity in the off-season even when we are not even here and don't use any. It is interesting to get a bill that shows 0 usage but a big charge.
Anyway, the power went off at 7, but, thanks to good planning, well after showers and coffee in this household. In honor of the occasion, we drove to Providence Bay for a low-power picnic. We walked the boardwalk, walked the beach, enjoyed the rain, and then came home and had our picnic on the dining room table, where it was warmer and drier.
Light rain overall, but dark and cold, and we had to light a fire after lunch. But then, just as the hydro was scheduled to come on at 2 p.m. the sun came out, beating Hydro, which did not actually arrive until 4.
The beach at Prov is not in good shape. Little left, actually, and what remains cannot be groomed because of Pitcher's thistle. Prov is trying to stage a comeback, but the village is facing a significant problem with its biggest asset.
Perhaps enough rain to convince the peas and onions that the time is at hand.