Garden Work…
…on a much cooler day.
Hosta la vista, or rather, hola hosta
Without geometry life is pointless.
It begins well before dawn, sill darkest night out my window, which looks west.
But there must be some glimmering in the east, because shortly after 4 a.m. the flock of sparrows (I’m quite sure it’s them), who reside in the front hedge, erupt in song. Loud. It’s hard to tell the number of participants in this chorus, but it sounds like many, and they all sing full voice.
With the storm window now replaced by screen, the song is so immediate it almost makes me want to jump right out of bed and start the day.
Apparently there’s a lot to sing about; the music lasts for about an hour. Towards five, the volume diminishes, as if the birds are moving away. And, eventually the performance fades to the point that other birds—cardinals, robins, jays, crows (and others I can’t identify) can be heard contributing to the morning welcome.
I wonder if I should try singing before sunrise.