Extreme Weather

So windy it blew most of the leaves off the trees. And then not satisfied, blew down a lot of trees. The forest was a hazardous place today, one poplar coming down a few feet from  John and ME's travel trailer, and an ash coming down in Murray and Elaine's driveway just about where they were standing a few minutes previous.

And, the extreme south wind pushed much of Lake Huron up this way, seiche-like, so that the water level reached heights none of us had previously seen, and the big rollers took the boardwalk for what we hope is its final ride of the season. It is now snugged up parallel to the shore and tied down, fore and aft.

We did manage to get the Windrider hauled and unrigged before the worst of the fury, and later in the day when things had calmed at bit, got the bottom power-washed.  

We are now well into end of the season tasks. Just a few more days on the Island—this year. 
