Make Way for Mushrooms
One of those days when it never quite stopped raining. Mist, then a shower, then a cloudburst—repeated. Every once in a while the sun breaking through, lighting up the landscape with a rain-washed brilliance. "There's a certain slant of light on autumn afternoons," —to borrow (inaccurately) from Emily.
Continued, methodical cottage shutdown regimen. But it is fun to do the shutdown slowly and methodically, especially since it gives the false assurance that nothing will be forgotten. J&ME are pulling out (with the travel trailer) tomorrow, which is a good idea in as much as tomorrow is another of those uniquely Manitoulin days without power—no hydro 9 to 4.
So this evening it is a final supper, aka harvest dinner, here at 196 Serendipity, aka FoamHome. J&ME and Murray and Elaine, coming over for home grown munificence—four nearly red tomatoes, two medium beets, half a dozen radishes—plus squash and peppers from Whitewater. (Plus a few other "locally sourced" items.
And, such magnificent moisture has proveded a bumper crop of fungi, some of which are edible, but none of which has been included on tonight's menu.