One of Your Nicer Spring Saturdays
More hellebore...
More daffodil...
Some chives...
...and the end of the road for a lot of stuff—compost bin #1.
Sunny and mild until late afternoon when the wind switched to the east (off the Lake) and the temperature dropped nearly 20 degrees.
Several perfectly worthwhile Saturday projects—sharpening the mower blade and changing the oil; setting up the router table and making a frame for the commissioned oil painting.
Then, once the mower was springterized (as opposed to winterized), cutting some grass, or—as they say in the old country, mowing the lawn. (Unkie-ism here.)
Also, of course, several dog walks, and a bike ride to the priaire, where Pax is, in a big way, into digging. Why, you may ask? Because, I must tell you, in spite of the cold winter or perhaps because of it, gophers have proliferated, and Pax thinks he can dig faster than they can.
And to top it off, discoverd while cutting the lawn, a gopher in the front yared. Pax, what's up buddy? What about your home turf?
It turns out that our new neighbors, who are very nice people in spite of their boxer dogs, are fans of country-western music. That, of course, is far better than typicall student heavy metal fare.