Spring Haiku

 'Tis the season for wedding showers, along with the other kind, so Sue, Abby, Renee (+ Becca) in Algonquin, along with Sally and MaryJo, getting Gary's Kelli initiated into the family. For me, breakfast with Bri, Ellie, and Maddie, and then braving the elements to swing in the back yard and ride bikes to Ivy Street park, where we climbed, slided, and raced around the tennis courts. Lunch consisted of (off the record) Old MacDonalds. Later in the afternoon Tony, Katy and Will rolled in. As supper was being prepped I headed for home, wearing the many bandages applied by Drs. Ellie and Maddie duing my stay at the hospitable. 

Pax and I arrive home minutes before a thunderstorm. 

Trailer back because it's time to pack.



Clouds, some sun. 
A fierce and chilly wind.
Then, back home, noisy thunderstorm!