Progressing Through January

Who could this be? 

Who could this be? 

To S&R Marine (home of the Nite) in Oconomowoc this morning with Bri and Tony to talk to John Ritter about iceboats.  A fascinating little shop, well worthy of visiting again and photographing—and now I'm thinking of doing an article for the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel.

This afternoon Pax and I took the Bridge to Nowhere, a fascinating boondoggle on the south side of town, about a mile and a quarter over Highway 12 leading to a cornfield and well #8. As I walked I dreamed about how this vastly under-used space could be converted into a world famous linear park. Of course, I was forgetting about what happens to ideas when they come  before a small town common council.

 The glass is low, so I'm worried about snow.